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Roma, non basta una vita!

Sights and Walks

Rome Retreats

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Fortunately there are a number of quiet spots in the city, both interesting and affording an opportunity for calm amidst the bustle, among them the Vatican Gardens. It took over 30 years for our visit. Don't repeat our mistake. Check out the details on our Vatican Visitors page.

If you're interested in antiquities as we are, the Roman Forum and Palatine provide a peaceful and enriching day. Hardly a secondary attraction, the Forum may have many tourists - but it's still peaceful compared to the bustle of the city. Better, the Palatine attracts far fewer visitors. We usually have a picnic, and a peaceful stroll in the afternoon, ending with absorbing the wonderful view from the Farnese gardens overlooking the Forum, Capitoline, and city. By the way, the museum atop the Palatine is, after more than 20 years -- be sure and visit.

A walk up the Aventine is a delightful change of pace. You'll find a marvelous keyhole at the Priory of the Knights of Malta to peer through, and the best view of the Circus Maximus. It's best on a Spring day when you want to sleep in some and just stroll around a beautiful city. Visit the 'Mouth of Truth' and the other sites between the Aventine and Piazza Venezia on your way to or from.

Enjoy a stroll near Porta Ostiense in Spring or Fall. There's the gate, the Piramide (a 1st C. tomb), nearby Monte Testaccio where the Romans trashed their broken pottery, and, most peaceful, the Protestant Cemetery (Cimetero Acattolico). This lovely, walled, cemetery is well flowered and treed, and rarely visited.

If you find city life too hectic day and night, you may want to consider a hotel outside the city. Your choice could be Frascati, where you'll find good value and peaceful evenings just a 30 minute train ride from Rome.

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